Cashel Chiropractic

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is a therapy used to treat sensitivity and tightness in your myofascial tissues (myofascial pain). Myofascial tissue is wrapped around all of your muscles throughout your body. Myofascial pain originates from specific areas of the myofascial tissues known as “trigger points.” Myofascial release is focused on relieving tightness and tension originating from these trigger points.

Myofascial release therapy in Lehi, UT

How Myofascial Release Can Help You

Myofascial release therapy has many benefits for those suffering from tightness in their facial tissues. These benefits include:

  • Increased movement:The range of motion in your muscles and joints improves.
  • Improved circulation: Your blood and oxygen will travel more efficiently throughout your body.
  • Relaxation:Myofascial therapy will help your body relax.
  • Pain managementSoreness will be reduced, and your tissues will start to recover.
  • Stress management: Tension throughout your body will be reduced.

Frequently Asked Questions

The answers to these questions can help you to better understand myofascial release therapy.

What Happens During a Myofascial Therapy Session?

Your session will take place in a private room at Cashel Chiropractic. Your Lehi chiropractor will first locate the fascial tissues that are experiencing tightness. These areas are known as “trigger points.” Dr. Rob will apply gentle, constant pressure to these areas kneading and stretching the facial tissue with his hands until the tension and tightness are released.

How Does Myofascial Therapy Work?

Myofascial therapy involves applying pressure to tight or sore areas to get them to relax. Dr. Rob will apply pressure with his hands, elbows, or foam roller or a ball. You may experience minor soreness following the treatment, but this soreness should pass quickly, and area tightness and pain will subside.

What Conditions Can Myofascial Therapy Treat?
Myofascial release therapy is used to treat many conditions, including:

  • Low back pain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Carpal yunnel syndrome
  • TMJ
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