Cashel Chiropractic

Neck Pain

Neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal problems, afflicting 2/3 of the population at some point in their lives. Mild neck pain, when left untreated, may progress to debilitating pain, headaches, arm pain, and eventually numbness, tingling, and weakness. . Cashel Chiropractic has the knowledge, skills, experience, and tools to correct neck pain. Book your initial consultation today, and let us get you on the path to a pain-free life at the peak of health.

Causes of Neck Pain

Neck Pain can be caused by several diseases, conditions, or injuries. More common causes of neck pain are as follows:

  • Prolonged computer and electronic device usage (tech neck)
  • Poor posture and the associated muscle spasm and joint irritation
  • Sleeping on the stomach, the head twisted to one side for extended periods
  • Trauma from whiplash injuries in car accidents or sports injuries

How Can Chiropractic Help Me Relieve My Neck Pain?

On your first visit, our chiropractor in Lehi will carefully listen to your concerns and health goals and then review your full medical history with you.

This will be followed by observation of your posture, range of motion, muscle strength, and how you sit and walk. Any deviation from proper posture will be measured and documented. 

Then, the doctor will palpate (feel) your full spine to determine if there is any vertebral displacement that may be causing your posture.  

If warranted, digital imaging (X-ray, MRI, or CT scan) may be ordered to ensure the doctor can conduct a thorough visual assessment of the spine and associated soft tissues. 

Finally, using the findings gathered from the steps above, the doctor will determine a comprehensive scientifically based, effective, and efficient treatment plan tailored to relieve your neck pain and achieve your health goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Lehi chiropractor has some insight into the most frequently asked questions about neck pain. 

How Long Will It Take to Treat My Neck Pain?

Your treatment time will depend on the cause of your neck pain. In many cases, people only need to see our chiropractor in Lehi for a short period to achieve relief from their neck pain, often in as few as 5-10 visits. More complex or chronic conditions may require longer durations.

What Is Tech Neck?

Tech neck refers to neck pain caused by repetitive strain to the cervical spine and related soft tissue that results from prolonged periods of tilting your head forward and looking down. This posture is typical when texting or surfing the internet on a mobile device. Cashel Chiropractic has the skills, knowledge, experience, and tools to treat your “tech neck.” Book an appointment today.

Is a Chiropractic Neck Adjustment Safe?

While all medical procedures carry some risk of side effects, a neck adjustment or cervical manipulation is a precise, safe, cost-efficient, and effective procedure when administered by a well-trained and experienced chiropractor. 

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