Cashel Chiropractic


Vertigo is characterized as a sensation that either you or the world around you is spinning or moving. This sensation can last as short as a few seconds or as long as several days. Research indicates at least 40% of people will experience vertigo in their lifetime. Also indicated is the fact that women experience vertigo at a higher rate than men.

If you are suffering from dizziness or other symptoms of vertigo, you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Rob at Cashel Chiropractic. There are many treatments available for vertigo, and we have the knowledge, skills, and experience to relieve your symptoms and get you on the road to optimal health.

Types of Vertigo

There are several types of vertigo two of the most common types are: 

  • Peripheral vertigo:This type of vertigo is the most common. It is generally caused by problems with the inner ear.
  • Cervical vertigo:This type of vertigo is caused by problems with the spine and central nervous system.

What Are the Causes of Vertigo?

Peripheral vertigo is most commonly caused by: 

  • Benign positional vertigo (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, also known as BPPV). This condition is caused by calcium crystals within your inner ear breaking loose and causing erroneous nerve messages that cause dizziness.
  • Head Injury
  • Meniere Disease – which causes fluid buildup in the inner ear
  • Certain medicines
  • Infection of the vestibular nerve that controls balance
  • Pressure on the vestibular nerve – usually caused by a noncancerous tumor

Cervical vertigo is most commonly caused by:

  • Poor neck posture
  • Neck disorders
  • Cervical trauma


What Techniques Does Cashel Chiropractic Use to Treat Vertigo?

Dr. Rob uses only non-invasive, drug-free techniques to treat vertigo. Your treatment plan may include one or more of these techniques: 

  • Chiropractic adjustments:  Rob may adjust your neck and spine to correct any subluxations or joint misalignments causing your vertigo.
  • Epley Maneuver:  Rob may utilize this technique designed to treat BPPV.
  • At-home exercises:  Rob may prescribe at-home exercises and instruct you on the exercises’ proper form.

What Should I Expect During My Vertigo Assessment?

Dr. Rob will carefully listen to your concerns and review your full medical history with you. 

This will be followed by an examination of your neck and spine as well as an observation of your neck posture. 

If warranted, digital imaging (X-ray, MRI, or CT scan) may be ordered to ensure our Lehi chiropractor can conduct a thorough visual assessment of the neck, spine, and associated bone and soft tissues. 

Finally, using the findings gathered from the steps above, the doctor will determine a comprehensive, scientifically based, effective, and efficient treatment plan tailored to relieve your vertigo and achieve your health and recovery goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about vertigo by reading these Q&As. 

When Should You See a Chiropractor for Dizziness?

It is best to seek professional medical care to diagnose and treat vertigo symptoms as soon as they occur. Cashel Chiropractic’s Dr. Rob has the education, skills, tools, and experience to accurately diagnose and treat your foot pain.

How Long Will Vertigo Last?

Vertigo episodes can last anywhere from a few seconds to several days. Conditions that cause vertigo can last for months even years, if left undiagnosed and untreated.

Should I Ignore My Vertigo?

It is important to identify and treat the underlying causes of vertigo. Many of these causes are serious health conditions, so it’s in your best interest to have this issue diagnosed and treated. Book an appointment with Dr. Rob today.


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